break time, guys!.
(hoho. it seems like i am taking break everytime. =.= because i never off my laptop.
even in study week. ok, never off seems so exaggerated. i do switch them off every night. :) baik, kan? )
whatever la kan.
now, u guys follow the instructions below.
1. go to google
2. search for the 50 most popular women on the web
3. go to numer seven
laughing so hard.
im not a so-called-die-hard-fan-cant-live-without-him-and-i-love-his-hairflip-so-much of justin bieber, neither a hater.
i do listen to his song tho. :)
but this is so freaking funny.
so lets laugh till our lungs off. erk!
bieber's fan, jangan butthurt lak. hiks!
k bye.
haha, budak U pon ade ni haa.
xpatot betol kan? hehe