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4 great novels, i think.

u can already guess what im going to babble rumble today right.
yeah, hun. its about novel.

im a very big fan of sidney sheldon. 
so the list will be MOSTLY about sheldon's novel.
hey, his novels will never make u feel like not-worth buying.
he knows how to satisfied his readers like me. he he.

1) MASTER OF THE GAME by sidney sheldon.

OMG. this books are the very first novels of sheldon that i have read. and, it was breathtaking. i accidently fall in love with his writing. this is the story of a miner that work really hard, and being faced with many obstacles and later yeah, he's become the owner of one big company. the interesting part is, the story of the miner is not stopped there. but, the story continues from one generation to generation. how can u really do a story from generation to generation without making people get tired of reading it? i'm so amazed. 

2) NOTHING LAST FOREVER by sidney sheldon.

this book is about female doctors life. three doctors who met and become housemates. each of them have their own secret for becoming a doctor. later in life, one doctor was killed. another one got sued for killing. and another one, err.. i cant remember. HAHA. tapi, bacalah. bessst!

3) MY SISTERS KEEPER by jodi picoult.

cerita pasal family. kakak dia kena leukemia. then, adik die ni dilahirkan genetically improvised untuk tolong akak dia. so, kirenya. if akak dia kena ape ape, nak blood ke, nak leukocyte ke, nak stem cell ke, adik dia la yang akan donate. sampai la one day, adik dia ni gi saman parents diorang. adik cakap, dia xnak dah sakit sakit derma kena cucuk jarum. . macam nak x sanggup la. betol wat. lumbar puncture sakit kot.. jarum gedabak kot. =.= 
cerita ni tacink sangat. memang berendam air mata la. wuwuwu. sedeh siot.

4) 5TAHUN 5BULAN by hlovate

haa, sapa minat baca novel mesti dan mesti akan suka baca cerita cinta melayu yang suwwwwit ini. hahaha.
sumpah best. :)


my ramble mumble
semua buku sidney sheldon aku suka sbenarnya. 
no compromised. :)
eh, tader cerita romantik romantik ker? HAHA


madiha said…
my sister keeper,citer yg dr bgtau ari tu
bdw,nice header,meriah
Unknown said…
5 tahun 5 bulan best tapi when i read the whole collection from hlovate, sumenye best. so u should include those too ^__^
Nik Lisa said…
aida :
yeah yeah. sedey gile ot. HUHU
thanx for the compliment! hehe
Nik Lisa said…
cik bunbun. yeah. sume best kan?

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