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pacat o pacat

atau nama orang putih dia, leech.

adoi, terima kasih banyak la kasi cenderahati 3 ketul kat aku ni haa.

pastu tengok kesan gigitan die semacam je, gatal, merah. -.-"
xpasal pasal aku google pasal binatang under subclass hirudinea ni.

info dicedok dari wikipedia dan images dari goole image. 

* pembetulan ye : sebenarnya ini lintah*


@ what is leech bite?
A leech attaches itself when it bites, and it will stay attached until it has had its fill of blood. Due to an anticoagulant (hirudin) that leeches secrete, bites may bleed more than a normal wound after the leech is removed. The effect of the anticoagulant will wear off several hours after the leech is removed and the wound is cleaned.

fact ni aku dah tahu, leech akan secrete anticoagulant sebab tuh bila tarik menatang tuh, kita akan bleeding. coogulation process halted la kejap sebab anticoagulant, antagonistic action la kirenya. sebab tuh bila mandi tuh, darah still mengalir macam ape je.. -.-"

@ leech bite kasi infection x?
Leeches normally carry parasites in their digestive tract which cannot survive in humans and do not pose a threat. However, bacteria, viruses, and parasites from previous blood sources can survive within a leech for months, and may be retransmitted to humans.[citation needed] A study found both HIV and hepatitis B in African leeches from Cameroon.

luckily lah kan, parasite die xleh kasi, tp bacteria, viruses and all those stuff can. harap harap pacat tuh xhisap darah orang yang ada HIV ke ape. 

@ how to remove pacat tuh?
using a fingernail or other flat, blunt object to break the seal of the oral sucker at the anterior end (the smaller, thinner end) of the leech, repeating with the posterior end, then flicking the leech away. As the fingernail is pushed along the person's skin against the leech, the suction of the sucker's seal is broken, at which point the leech should detach its jaws.

guna jari je, detach anterior end where the oral sucker is first! lepas tuh baru detach the posterior end.. easy peasy.

@ cara yang tidak berapa boleh digunakan untuk buang pacat? (medically inadvisable)
apply a flame, a lit cigarette, salt, soap, or a chemical such as alcohol, vinegar, lemon juice, insect repellent, heat rub, or certain carbonated drinks.

sebabnya? nanti pacat tuh akan vomit its stomach content kat wound and akan quickly detach. tapi vomit tuh may contain infection and maybe worsen wound kita tuh

@ how to treat leech bite?
cleaned with soap and water, and bandaged.

jangan risau pasal bleeding, sebab its normal. pacat kan secrete anticoagulant (anti-pembekuan), itu yang bleeding. its normal jugak when itching (which really ease me when i read this), but xboleh garu since it can complicate the healing (huhu, i garu a lot dah. T_T)


ok, thats all!

lain kali masuk hutan sila bawak handyplus banyak banyak, ok? :)

mintak tolong klik boleh? 

terima kasih!


wfhsln said…
ataupun tak perlu tarik dia, biar je dia tanggal sendiri.

I mean, dia kan hisap darah kotor yang membuatkan kita lebih sihat.

ni lintah la besau ni... pacat kecik je -.-
N said…
oeh,besar gler pacat tu....skali hisap,kering terus,tggal tulang jer..haha
Nik Lisa said…
@Zala Wajik

betol betol.
tapi parut die xmenahan ah. hudoh
Nik Lisa said…

senanye bukan pacat. -.-"

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