personal post only!
sebok sangat nak baca pandai2 la ye~
okay, now all my plans for the upcoming 2 months are doomed.
i don't like u, dean. SERIOUSLY.
why laa?
at first, i'll be totally free from all these medical things exactly on 1st july.
mind that, 1st JULY
but SUDDENLY, my beloved-not-anymore dean cancelled all the activities.
(which are camping with tons of ilmiah activities)
and replaced them with a programme namely as "INTRODUCTION TO CLINICAL"
the worst part is, the duration is 1 month.
and will end at the end of JULY, meaning here..
my CUTI will officially start on 1st AUGUST.
pulak daaaaah?
dean dean tau x saya nak bisnes ni. hajat di hati ni nak start bulan 7 ni laaah. bila dah ada yang suka, then boleh la tempah untuk raya ke ape. boleh la dapat duit sikit. ye, saya orang miskin, duit JPA semua dah habis. satu hal lagi, cane ntah nak survive kan sebulan nanti. duit xde deaaaaaan! huuu
haapppy nye aku ye lah nak belaja kelinikal ni. xyah la nak kelinikal sangat. kang masuk 3rd year belajar jugak. bongek apo pon tatau wat intro la pulak. ish.
sebaiknya aku brenti kat sini je, aku takot kang kuar ayat terbaik dari ladang aku xmahu lha cemarkan blog aku dengan kata kata hudoh. so, stop. bye.
Hehehe... kalo dean tu baca nie mesti dia fikir, "I'm doing my best for yourown good, apa raa!" :P
takpe, sebulan sekejap je... pastu boleh la enjoy aidilfitri puas2...
i guess so. thanx jo. :|