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Showing posts from 2011

what else can i say?

dropping by today just to say, alhamdulillah. now. everything seemd to be fine. everything is now back in place. insyaAllah. may all the "kesenangan" di berkati. and long-lasting. amin! p/s : minggu ni busy nye saya. moga Allah bagi saya ruang masa sedikit untuk saya siapkan semua kerja. 

random #7

i just came to realized. when i need help, there are only few peoples i can turn into. err should i say two? funny right? and what is funnier is.. the person that i thought i can seek for help anytime, is not really the one. maybe that is what we called kawan ketika senang. adoyai. awak, boleh tak kita jadi kawan ketika susah jugak? hurm.


salam auwwww. MISSION IMPOSSIBLE GHOST PROTOCOL ini bestt gila siot tebabaoo pung pang pung!. ok dah. xleh cakap ape da. sampai kawan kat tepi cakap pe ntah. aku fokus kat depaaaan tengok je screen. so, korang sume shuld go and watch it! auuw, tom cruise is soooo handsome. and anil kapoor berlakon gak cerita ni!  cuak gila time die kena g server room kat burj hotel, kat dubai tuh.. ye la.. bangunan tertingggi dunia tuh.. terer la! i likeeee~ :) out of 5 stars, aku give 4 setengah! wuhhuuu happy watching babiesss! k lah bye!

what happen today?

today i clerked 2 patients. sneak bitt of my clerking. first case: 4 year old boy was admitted for fever for 4 days. suspected to have dengue. assoc with diarrhea and mild vomitting. TRO thyphoid fever.  i was like so blurr with how thyphoid fever presented. emm. need to revised on that! this boy when he was 2 years old, he had kawasaki's disease. red eye, red cracked lips, rash, high grade fever >5 days, strawberry tongue, red peripheral fingers. please googled up strawberry tongue! nice images will popped out! :) second case: 2 months girl,with bintik bintik on her badan. she has a very low platelet. 1 X 10^9. low gila.  her diagnosis is ITP. she's well and active. waiting to be discharged.  k lah bye.

ber-da'ie lah dengan betol.

dear friends, honestly, i think your way of interacting with people is just not proper. kau nak berda'ie, tapi x kemana sangat lah da'ie kau kalau cara approach cam ape je. boleh orang tengah sedih sedih hilang pet. dia cakap benda yang macam bernanah gak lah baca. bukan aku x suka baca orang bertegur-teguran apa sume. aku suke. but, cara kau tuh agak agak lahh. adoii la. contoh betol #1  A : uuuuu, pet saya dah meninggal. sedih nye. malam malam tidow sama, pagi pagi dia kejut saya bangun subuh.. sedihh nya.. B : bukan Allah ke yang kejut bangun subuh? when aku baca aku cam, whaaaaaattttaaaa la budak B ni. cam shhhhhhhhhhhut! sarka la sangat kau an. timing kau amat tidak betol. nyampah aku baca.  instead of kau persoalkan pasal bangun subuh tuh, why don't u calm the person pasal pet dia. bagi soothing word ke ape, kata kata semangat or something but macam inspring. macam ada makna yang mendalam. yang boleh bagi kesan positif. pahamm tak?  instead of saying that, bett


please be safe! ps :  auuww, kucing puss in boot ni comel betol!  pss : huwaaa. baru balik dari hospital. but, tak de patients sangat. sorang je yang baru admit. dia ada tonic clonic seizure. for the first time, i tengok tonic clonic live! it happens every 15 minutes kot! last for 2-3 sec only. but, today got interesting cases. first is  NOMA  or cancrum oris. a very rare condition. patient, 2 years old. presented to hospital with necrotizing facial mucosa. the facial mucosa appeared thin, and got dark2 area which resembles dead tissue la. second is lymphoma. 9 years old boy presented to hospital due to unilateral right distended abdo, hard and tender a/w night sweat, persistant fever, LOA, LOW, myalgia, athralgia ect. k lah bye!

random #5

i love M&M so much. since last week. hihik. :3 and, oh. maria elena dah bertunang. congratulations maria elena!  she's gorgeous. really. masa saya nak bertunang macam dia bila pula? freebies :  LOL maria elena's engagement story maria elena's engagement video i adore her so much. :)

random #4

Sulking is one of girl's weapon. Even when people does not really care, we sulk still.  *at least i did that. :|


salam. happy happy! sebab dah cuti hujung minggu. yay! boleh tak cani? bakal doctor pemalas macam ni lah. hadei! esok saya nak pegi tengok OMBAK RINDU dengan kawan saya. kitorang booking siap awal awal. semangat tak? semangat tak? takut tiket sold out lagi. saya dah tak sanggup lagi kempunan! HAHAHA. harap cerita dia tak menghampakan. minggu depan saya nak rajin kan diri ni. nak pegi ward je. kaji patient. head to toe. my lecturer from previous posting once said, "when you are in any posting, act and work as if u want to be the specialist in that posting."- Dr. Noorneza, ONG specialist. very inspiring right? so, work harder lisa! banyak PE yang you kena practice! so, be hardworking babe. p/s : 23th December ni nak pegi changlun. ada majlis kahwin. need to find tickets. :D

Of My Lovely Hobbies

salam!  lama gila tinggal hobbies aku yang memang aku suke gila buat. antara hobies yang di-tinggalkan : 1) amik gambar2 guna lomo cam. haih, pe kabar lah Ultra Wide Slim and Yashica aku?  missed them much. but, xda masa sangat nak main dorang. T_T dan tiada wang jua.  sedih hati ku. huwaa! taken with UWS. pemandangan belakang rumah saya. :) 2) menjahit jahit. sebab mesin jahit rosak.  hadooi.  lau x memang banyak jugak lah dalam otak aku ni nak buat ape. tiba tiba teringin nak buat baju kurung sendiri. baju kurung oter skit.  custom made lah konon. nak taruk riben ke.  auww. mesti cohmel cam aku. huahuahua and also tote bag. dulu masa cuti yang konon 1 bulan then dipendekkan jadi 1 minggu jer.. aku sempat buat bag kecik ni.. sekarang dah buruk dah. wiwiwiw. 3) baca buku buku  ni lagi satu. sejak ada laptop sayang aku ni. memang aktiviti membaca selalu je tertangguh. ish ish ish.. sedihh tau tak? rin

one word (konon)

alhamdullillah. thanx you Allah for the rezeki. i passed O&G and Rural Health and Urban Health Posting. terima kasih sangat. not to forget to both my parent.  for the do'a yang tak putus putus. solat hajat segala. too all my friends. yang sama belajar. alhamdulillah. another 3 postings more to go. i will definitely do well. especially my continuous assessment. xboleh pandang ringan because there are peoople yang fail because of that. insyaAllah. :) 

The Ultimate Year End Giveaway by Nisa Kay

hello. i nak join giveaway cik nisa! :) the very generous peoples that help in the making of this ultimate give awayz. Mrs Lady's Stylo Eight Designs Boutique (EDZ) Pretty Pop Jiwa Chenta STUFF Online Hijab E-Boutique Firzara Collection The Bag Galore Wanblur - Shazwan Azizan Darkbatman Pretty Lens Store MadamMondoq Cik Nurul Pinky Luvika Territory Nurul Liyana Fieyona Amani Atelier Queen Attack Suci Shawl & Scarf Yaya Flanella Blog Cik Bunny Media Jer! Cik Bintang Shawlistaa Beauty Scarf MyraVea EZ Lovey Craft HijaBook Islamio Paradise Daniel Adie that's all. and also, check out the new bloglist ya! :D tq. 

my republic's shirt.

salam. :) yeah, me wearing baju republic version 2.0  jangan jeles ye!  my shirt had arrived and i wore it proudly to times square yesterday.  its yellow. i wear it with lumut-like-green pants. i matched it with selendang with same colors. yeah. k bye. ps : do u guys have any tips to resolve eye-bag problems? mine is kinda bad. T_T

quick recap

salam. cerita 1 something bad happen on 25th november.  last friday. REAAAL BAD. TOO BAD. what is it? i'll write the details. T__T  after things get straight up.  cerita 2 just move to another posting.  which is totally opposite with my previous-previous posting. dealt with ssps, and next was woman and pregnant mother. now is childrens.. babies..  so susah jugak lah. haih. but, i'll learn tho. insyaAllah.  cerita 3 anxiously waiting for the results. i hope to passed with flying colours. AMIN cerita 4 i jadi boss for my group this posting. lets not be malas malas da. :)  p/s : susah nya bila dah x mobile. 

random #3

today  i am sad. . .

Cabaran 1 Hari 10 Gambar

i modify sikit the challenge. so here we go. pictures go in sequence.  day 1 - your facebook profile picture day 2 - a photo of yourself a year ago day 3 - a photo of someone you love day 4 - a photo that makes you happy day 5- a photo of you making a funny face day 6 - a photo of a former crush day 7 - a photo of u and your best friend day 8 - your most recent photo of you day 9 - a photo you have taken day 10 - a photo that make you laugh             k bye. 

new posting

bismillah tomorrow will be my next posting. the third posting. Paediatrics And Adolescent. may Allah bless me and all my friends.  and may all of us succeed in this 2-months posting.  insyaAllah.

random #2

i'll remain silence. so, don't bother asking. because i'm not telling. #pleasesangatsangat

random #1

so true. but i never bother the second chances. but now, that incident make me realize. life is not that long. as if i had been given a truly second chance to live. #thankyouAllah

i baked carrot cake.

i baked carrot cake. recipe cilok joy of baking kot. in the 'cooling' process. a friend of mine said it looked like 'tauhu'.  cruel u! i divided the cake into two. that's why it looked more nipis. then i scrapped cream cheese on top of it.  i know its terbalik. and its comot. -.-" lepas scrap je, tros makan. -.-" ok gak la rasa die.  even comot. lepas masuk fridge, texture die okay skit. tapi x amik gambor plak.  heee.  first try ni, next time buat i nak taruk kismis skali! nyumm. k bye.

baik dan taik

buat baik. memang bagus. tapi macam mana kalau kita buat baik. tapi orang buat taik kat kita? ----------------------> penah dengar pepatah.. lembu punya susu, sapi dapat nama? sapi dapat nama sebab dia lah yang macam baik. padahal back bone nye si lembu. pfffft. k bye

dear lisa :)

i must learn how to accept people the way they are. they might be imperfect but they are the one, the true companion to me. OTHER people might/will say something. they have mouth so they will talk. (factual) they will criticize. they will talk behind me. but, other fact is i just need to ignore them all and their talking.  their talking didn't do anything to me. they won't give me any effect. ( -- like seriously, lisa?-- ) ------------------------------- whatever <--- truly, i must be proud with what i have. because i am the one who lucky enough to have what i have right now. just imagine what my life will be IF  i lost what i have right now. i'm the one who will be affected. i'm the one who will be sad. i'm the one. my life. is about me. i should think of myself more. hurm. *post edisi tayang gambar*  same goes to my study,  should think of my study more. LOL and so far, banyak lagi benda yang xbaca. tapi still sangat relax bagai  mawar yang sedang

terer gilaaa!

i rasa jambatan ni awesome  k bye! :P


assalamualaikum. semalam i went to IKEA. for dinner with meatballs.  with rad and lil. it was a very sudden plan. i masuk kereta, rad tiba tiba ajak g ikea. lil dengan baju kurung. and i yang sangat selebet. selebet aku here means SANGAT selebet ok? bukan selebet biasa ye.  my selebet attire was, T-shirt covered with borrowed sweater. a TRACKSUIT. and selipa jepun pow. pegi IKEA pakaaaai tracksuit tuhh!  ye lah, i tot nak pegi makan kedai tepi jalan je. and aku pon biasanya take-away. bukan dine-in. anyhow, on the way there, its was disaster. we sesat once. dengan so many roads. luckily we managed to choose the correct road. when we saw ikea on our left, we was very happy, excited and all. :P selepas berjaya sampai sana. bermulalah meatball hunting. 3-3 orang jakun xpenah makan meatballs. sume beli meataball 5 pieces satu sorang. and take side dishes satu. i amik daim cake. rad amik roti pemende ntah. and lil amik pasta. bayar dulu. then makan makan timeee! :) our meatballs

papago x5 malaysia

assalamualaikum to those yang nak install PAPAGO for your android phone. i had made a tutorial just for u guys. click here just follow the instructions wisely, okay? :D make sure u download all the parts first.  instead of losing RM50 just to install this application, u will eventually save RM50 woo. okay? :)



catching up things.

cerita 1 i bought a new handphone. HTC wildfire. red in colour. and now, im broke. papa kedana macam mana mahu hidup? T__T cerita 2 my car kena clamp. kesalahan? menghalang laluan bomba. what say you?  ada berani macam saya mahu halang LALUAN BOMBA. balasan nya, kereta kena clamp in rainy days. oh damn. cerita 3 saya masuk SUPOST. which stand for sukan antara posting. saya wakil sukan "BALING SELIPAR" whatttdaafud is that..?? mainan budak budak time kecik kecik dulu.  ala, mainan ni. ada ingat ka? game dia simple. siapa jatuhkan selipa kena bina balik. kumpulan lawan pulak kena halang yg kumpulan yang jatuhkan selipa from bina balik.  the best part is, we won.  baling selipa team perempuan RUBAN menang! oyeah.  1st place. :)     team baling selipa! :) winning nye feeling is awesome.  overall, posting aku dapat num 2.  and dapat gelaran "GANAS"  very funny. questions here are, who really care?  hahaha. n yeah, victory faces. memang have fun la