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Showing posts from 2013

Kawen ow kawen

Setiap kalo org kawen aku pon rasa nak kawen. Rasa jeles tuh ada laa. Huhu. Tp biasanya 2-3 hari je rasa mcam ni. Pastu chill balik. Timbal balik pros n cons. Hhehe. Memang aku nak setel belaja dulu baru kawen. Entah. Rasa tak ready lagi. Rasa nak single dulu. Hehe( jangan marah )  Anyhow tahniah to andik n zaid and also hanis haikal!!

Bday ayahhh :)

RTiap tiap tahun mmg ad cerita kalo aku nak wish bday ayah. Tahun ini punya cerita mcm ni.  Bday nya tanggal 19/10.. Tapi ntah mimpi apa lah, aku awal awal g wish bulan 9. Time tuhh da 20++ so rasa bersalah pahtu g sms siap. Xpena pena cakap love u tbe2 cakap sbb nk tebus punya pasal. Kita penyegannn. Ehe.  Then, Ayah dengan selamba reply. "Ngiga gapo gak ni? G mandi basuh muko" kehkehhh. Maluuuu setepekk!  Nwayy, Happy birthday to my dadd! ❤️ u so muchhh~~ Tips wat jamuan bday paling senang abad ni. G beli pizza 2 papan. Beli donat. Beli lilin. Jadi la. Ni je yg mampu buat sebab kalut dulah nak balik kl malam tu gak. 

press conference aeril zafran and wawa zainal

semoga aeril n wawa kuat.. tak kisah lah apa cerita mereka yang pasti mereka dah nikah.. so thats all. :)

Jom sihat!

Sedih ok.  Raya hari tu ramai gila kot tegor badan makin naik. Haih.  So. After raya. New azam. Insyaallah. We will be doctors who actually did what we actually advise our patients to do. Kurus? Healthy??  Ape ape je lah, whatever intention i got in my brain.  Yang penting. Healthy lifestyle.  Yes! I wanna be healthy! (Poyo) Huahuahha. Gelak baca statement sendiri. Ps : walhal faktor pendorong paling utama ialah kurus. Huahhua.  Pss : why dont kill two birds with a stone? Kurus dan sihat right? :) Semoga istiqamah :) Doakan!

Our Birthday celebration!

Walaupun bday tuan blog ni dah lama lepas..  (Bila tuh? Hehe jeng jeng jenggg~~) Jumaat lepas kitorang sambut. Haha at last kan?  Sekali kan tros dengan bday asha. Senang kije.  Red velvet for me. Carrot cake for asha. Tapi makan for all la hehe. Makan sedap gila. Kat restoren carini. Makanan cina. Dekat je dgn tempat kitorang. Tapi tak sempat nak amik gamba makanan. Semua macam piranhaa. Makanan sampai je teros ngap ngap ngap. Haha. Nhow, thanx you housemate!

Open house dan birthday!

Salam.  Semalam ada invitation open house umah maklong una. Sekali pulak dengan birthday unaa~~ pandai pilih tarikh ehh hehehe. So i would like to wish u, Happy birthday yang ke-23 una!  May allah bless u all the way~  lisa doakan una pass pro n berjaya dalam hidup.  Birthday cake!  On the way g umah maklong una yang baikkk gile~~ Housemate ku yang awe-some! :)

final year

im in FINAL YEAR! wuhuuu alhamdulillah.. dah nak masuk minggu ke 8 alhamdulillah. jumaat ni dah exam of posting. currently now tengah psychiatric posting.  doakan ye! love xoxo~


24th June 2013 (ISNIN) - 28th June 2013 (FRIDAY) : End of Sem Exam Week Minggu ke 8 cam biasa minggu paling sengsara dalam sejarah hidup student medic UiTM. Biasanya exam end of posting je.... Tapi yang ni extra sengsara sebab ada like 3 main postings yang kitorang kena cover.. As for me, aku kena sit exam for Surgery Medicine n Short Posting. Tiga tiga ada anak anak dia. Fuh.  The worst part is.. Aku exam like almost everyday kot. Beza sangat sangat dengan time aku FIRST SEM. first sem dulu satu hari je exam semua posting. yang ni everyday ada exam. which one is worst? ntah la.. masing2 ada pros and cons. so layankan je la. hari rabu kot aku xde exam ape ape.. tp ada kelas la pulak.. pagi sampai petang.. -.-" hahahaha. konon la nak revise an, tapi xpayah la bermimpi di siang hari... memang xde masa langsung. stresss ok. by the way, gile kentang betol sape dapat short posting time nak end of sem exam... memang malang gile... sorry to say lah kan..  anyhow, s


had a short and sweet escape to sabah with my dearest friends. tunggu ye


Huhuuuuu.  Stressssss bleh tak? Aiyoooo Mggu depan exam. Ok. Then what? Mggu ni kelas penuh. Ok. So? Plus cwu yg nak kena setel. Ok So? Plus ada seminar n case presentation lagi. Ok So? Aku stress huhuuuu Nak revisee pleaseee  Da la kalo stress tend to tdo awal.... Ish ishhhh Xpena aku rasa cm ni ot adeiii laa Rasa cam x sempat. Time is running Left me.. Uhuhhuuuu Kenapa la kejam sgt pelik akuu Haihh haihhhhhh haihhh Nak lepaskan bnda niii penat letihhh sume ada.. Huhu

Cath lab

Dila's 13th bday

Happy b'day gadis! Hahaha Kakak always love u lil sis.

First time voting

Im 22. So i am eligible to give my vote for this pru. So excited. I went back to my old primary school with my nenek n mom n dad. Its good to be back altho i only schooling here for only a year. Hehe. So relieved i didnt have to q so long like what i saw in tv. So long. Haha.

Janji kerajaan

Janji mesti ditepati :)

Neurology posting

Currently im doing neurology posting at hkl. I like neurooo cause signs mmg banyaaaak sangat~~ buat sikit dapat brisk reflexes yada yada. Tengok je dah tau patient ada nystagmus, intention tremor. Mmg apa yang belajar sume ada. But yeah neuro is complex. 2-3 days left for neuro. Huhu. Cam sedih. Lepas ni cardio/general medicine pulak. Huhuhu. What i like the best pasal posting ni of course la the posting itself but im so grateful to be in my group now. Friends are awweeesome! :) One thing i didnt like is... Ward n clinic is faaaaar like urgghhh. N kat ward xde surau. Library ok. Patient ok. Specialist n doctors n nurse n staff are so helpful.

Happy bday azie!

Rasanya ni 1st time kot smbut bday aZie. Im not sure but i think its the first. Basically us, the housemates bought groupon voucher of manhattan fish long time ago but since azie rarely came to college the celeb is postponed again n again hahaha Groupon really gave us a great deal. We were so delightful with the meal n i personally think it worth every penny i spent. But i didnt bother much about the name of the meal cause im too bz snapping pictures that i will share with i guys afterward so sorry bout that. Supposely it should be like a suprise bday party. But due to few circumstances, we had to tell her that we are celebrating her bday so she is the one who drove yesterday. So . Haih for that. Story cut short. We suprised her the other way round. Bought her a cake. Gave the cake to the restaurant's owner. Politely nego with them. The waiter came to us while bringing the cake. Sing birthday's song. And yes, she was suprised~ hehe. So mission accomplished! So to az

Happy 22nd birthday!

Hello. This year im too bz to plan properly. So, we just went out to pizza hut wangsa maju to celebrate. We ordered everything we love. And give him this! Not even wrapping it! Haha kesian betol. I just make a ribbon( if that looked like a ribbon) out of leftover clothes i have. Happy birthday! :) Insyaallah after this i'll find u a bday cake.


Did i ever tell u that currently im doing my endocrinology at hospital putrajaya? If yes, never mind. If no then... Hurmm yes, im doing endocrinology at HPJ now. So getting up at 6 am every morning, be ready before 6.30 am as our so called 'driver' will loyally wait for us are not 'weird' things to do. Awwhh. Tired? Yes. But it fun! *big grin* Whats make it more interesting is when yesterday we 'good friends' went to explore putrajaya! Omg! It was soooo fun~~ weee. After 'begging' musa to drive, he agreed and off we go to putrajaya by car~~ despite of few hurdles which are 'traffic jam', musa's car buat hal whatsoever, sampai jugak kat putrajaya. Now, putrajaya sight-seeing start! none of us are from kl/selangor which make it more fun! Jalan situu waaaaa, jalan sini weeee. Serius kelaka! Ok now, lets the picture do the job~

Ola peplum

Hye. Just sharing me wearing ola peplum red from thepoplook! Nice... Make me look thinner.. Hehe howevwer the flowiness of the skirt make my butt look big... Hahaha

Batch 9 announcement

Hye... Boldest kembali lagiii hehe Tomorrow will update batch 9.. Please visit our fb page. Tq.

brenda blouse

me wearing brenda blouse berry padankan dengan shirt extender... untuk cover bontot :)

in henley tunic

pakai henley tunic white pegi exam. wewe.. :) suke sangat baju nii. simple je.... baju dah kosong, haruslah padankan dengan tudung kaler kaler. ehes. sorry gambo cam scary. xde dahi. serious cacat. haa, nampak tak dunkin' donut kat sebelah.? ada orang bagi. sekali bagi 6 ketol..  perisa cekelat lak tuh.. keh keh. motif sangat... alasan, x tahu nak pilih perisa ape...  nhow, tq! :) owh ye, sedang mencari printed square hijab boleh la jenguk sini... BOLDEST

ola peplum blouse in red

new collection of mine from thepoplook ye. saya sangat gile blouse... :) ola. tak try lagi.. 

henley tunic

i shopping lagi. preloved from tpl group. :) henley tunic white. i love white top. hee. tunggu naa i upload gambar2 i pakai top2 yang i beli ni.. :) next on list, ola peplum. harap2 comeyy.

don't snatch!

hye, here i am shamelessly quoting my friend's fb status without telling her. hahahaheheihuihui. lets read them first, should we? “A guy and a girl can be just friends, but at one point or another, they will fall for each other...Maybe temporarily, maybe at the wrong time, maybe too late, or maybe forever” nak huraikan sikitt. hehe. from my sight of view, it is so true. sorry la kalo ko rasa aku ni narrow minded ke ape. but really, man and woman can't really be a closed without any feeling tangling around. sad, but true story indeed. everybody nak such lovely love story. start as a friend, then bila dah close, develop feeling and the future later on is a mystery to be solved.  kekal ke tak, bahagia ke tak, those elements are another different thing.  but, this only applicable kalo due2 single. if both are single, yes u may proceed. xde sape nak halang. but, if not, please la jangan. jangan la nak menyebok relationship orang lain. unle

BATCH 8 | boldestsquarehijab


jealousy, i hate you so much

i should change a bit. not a bit. lot a think. i should change a lot. main thing today is. i should not be jealous to those who are not deserved to be jealous to. err, do u get me? ok.  there some people who of course, for sure are dear to him. and i get jealous to them too. i knowwwww. im being sooo super ridiculous here. i think i have to change this stupid or nonsense act of mine. or else, it will lead to something disastrous later on in the future. let place myself in his situation. i will definitely love these certain people who are very important and dear to me too. owh god, jealousy kills. kills me. kills him. kills our relationship.  go away, jealousy. i hate you. *so cheesy those word at the bottom me no likey lolz* please don't make thing difficult. please have more faith. please be more matured please don't make him choose things that shouldn't be chosen in the first place. please please please.

berry brenda and pumpkin fify

haaaa. isnin lepas aku baru lepas berabis duit dekat online shop ni, THEPOPLOOK aku beli due ni yang ni xsuke sangat...hahaha tapi layan kan je la....  kalo jumpe dugong berry jalan tengah jalan, layankan aje la ye. hiks. ni plak fify... sumpah sukeeee gile fify ni. nanti nak beli fify green. hehe.  xsabarrr nyee. heee insyaAllah t kalo amik gamba pakai baju ni i pos sini k.... i love poplook! :)

Jalan jalan pegi pantai

Hye! Lepas short plan via fb, akhirnya kitorang decide hari Khamis nak keluar. Keluar pagi pagi is too mainstream.  So, since aku yang drive, aku decide why don't we keluar petang.  Pagi pagi banyak kerja woo, (padahal terbongkang atas katil buruk bena perangai)  Kul 2.30 petang baru gerak g umah zati. Pi fetch dia, then g ke Guchil g amik Lian. Due due ni korang rapat la time skola dulu dulu.  ramai je yang rapat. tapi sekarang kalau kua dengan due orang ni la. hehe. cam biasa tak decide lagi nak g mane, padahal kereta dah gerak ni. last last kitorang decide nak g pantai je. tamao g pantai irama, bosan.haha. so kitorang pon g la pantai cahaya bulan kat kb. weee. my first time, dah umor 22 tahun ni baru jejak kaki kat PCB. fuhh fuhh. sampai sampai je baru pukul 4 lebih.  panas ceng ceng lagi masa tuh. so kitorang decide untuk lepak makan makan dulu. walaupun masing masing baru makan tengah hari kat umah masing masing. dasar perut penuh n