i should change a bit. not a bit. lot a think. i should change a lot. main thing today is. i should not be jealous to those who are not deserved to be jealous to. err, do u get me? ok. there some people who of course, for sure are dear to him. and i get jealous to them too. i knowwwww. im being sooo super ridiculous here. i think i have to change this stupid or nonsense act of mine. or else, it will lead to something disastrous later on in the future. let place myself in his situation. i will definitely love these certain people who are very important and dear to me too. owh god, jealousy kills. kills me. kills him. kills our relationship. go away, jealousy. i hate you. *so cheesy those word at the bottom me no likey lolz* please don't make thing difficult. please have more faith. please be more matured please don't make him choose things that shouldn't be chosen in the first place. please please please.