assalamualaikum. *sigh* I owe u my Sabah's Trip story. I owe u my final year enrollment story. Eventhough there's not much to tell. But hey, I wanna keep all of updated with my current pathway of life. Retiss bebenor gayanya. Bueek! I owe u Ramadhan stories! My iftar with my dearest 91 buddies. There's too much to tell, but so little time to write. Fret not. I'll try to write. I will try ok. Jangan berharap sangat. heee. :P But now, I wanna write about relationship. Aha. This "relationship" stuff je yang boleh bagi aku kederat untuk blogging. ----------------aaaaa aku ada isi nak cerita tapi tengah stuck dekat intro. sabaa ye---------------- i'm sorry if my writing menyentuh sensitiviti sesetengah pihak. aku akui memang benda ni happen within my surrounding. aku akan cuba sedaya upaya untuk menyopankan cara aku menulis. mohon jangan terasa. aku menulis atas dasar perkongsian pendapat sebagai seorang perempuan. Adat break up 1) Try ...