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Happy bday azie!

Rasanya ni 1st time kot smbut bday aZie. Im not sure but i think its the first.

Basically us, the housemates bought groupon voucher of manhattan fish long time ago but since azie rarely came to college the celeb is postponed again n again hahaha

Groupon really gave us a great deal. We were so delightful with the meal n i personally think it worth every penny i spent. But i didnt bother much about the name of the meal cause im too bz snapping pictures that i will share with i guys afterward so sorry bout that.

Supposely it should be like a suprise bday party. But due to few circumstances, we had to tell her that we are celebrating her bday so she is the one who drove yesterday. So . Haih for that.

Story cut short.

We suprised her the other way round. Bought her a cake. Gave the cake to the restaurant's owner. Politely nego with them. The waiter came to us while bringing the cake. Sing birthday's song. And yes, she was suprised~ hehe. So mission accomplished!

So to azie, my dear friend, u r such a good friend. Glad to know u n be close with u. Insyaallah our friendship will last till jannah. :)

And yeAh only 7 of us there. arsha did not came. So haih for that too :(


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