cane posa? tarawikh? orait X?
jom sama2 kjar pahala ramadhan kali neh.
em. perlu ke kapel skang?
chewa. cam ade org nk je tnye soklan cam uh.
tp, sgguh. hati remaja neh cpt sgt tersentuh.
mesra skit da rase len. aish.
apoda. cpt perasan gila.
kenape eyh?
kalo boley, xnk aa mcm neh.
single is simple.
sape2 yg bley wat aku pk double itu pon simple mmg hbt la.
ehem. future laki aku aa uh.
btw, to my sms-pal,
thanx for spending ur precious tyme wif me.
ye la. teman aku an..
da la tggl ko tidow srg2. aish.
trok tol aku.
sowiee taw.
... dot. dot... tataw nk kata ape da.
ramadhan qarim.....
ade makna latuhh..muehehe~
ko tulis sbb 'ter'baca kt blog aku ke?
hehehe.. rilek la..
that time will come..
the person will be there with you..
jgn lonely2..
teman sms kan ade? hehehe...
"double itu pon simple" tu camne?
igtkan pen-pal je ade,
upanya sms-pal pun ade?
hehehe.. terbaek arh lisa...
p/s : dh beli baju raya jgn lupa report kt post lgi taw?
upload gmbr sekali. hehehe.
arief: ya.salam.
efa: xda mkne pape owh.
faiz: yeala. will do. juz tggu je k
ko bace post lame aku wtpe.